Urban Nature and Mindfulness Retreat, NSW

9 March 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 pm
Centennial Park

Experience the healing and restorative effects of movement, mindfulness and nature connection on our half day Urban Nature and Mindfulness Retreat. This mini retreat is an invitation to slow down, rest and reconnect. Yoga teacher and certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, Louise, will guide you through a gentle 1hr yoga / mindful movement practice followed by a 2.5hr Forest Bathing Walk, all in the Pine Forest at Centennial Park. Give yourself the gift of three and a half hours of mindful movement in nature, to reconnect, restore and recharge.

What is Forest Bathing? Rest assured no nudity required! Forest Bathing is an immersive, sensory experience where we let nature soak in through all our senses. We use mindfulness meditation and slow movement to reawaken our innate and intuitive connection to the natural world, and to ourselves. There is now substantial scientific evidence that reveals the beneficial effects of nature connection on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Forest Bathing is being called "The New Yoga", but actually connecting to nature in meaningful ways has been a way of life for humans in different cultures around the world for thousands of years. In our modern world we've lost touch with this way of being and our intuitive knowledge of how to heal and restore ourselves. With this mini retreat we offer you a chance to pause, reset and remember.

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